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Resultaten 171 - 180 van de 246

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 

Global Ink  

Categorie:   Winkels
Advertenties::   Text Links
Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Amerika
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring


Categorie:   Winkels
Advertenties::   Text Links, Banners
Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Amerika
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring


Categorie:   Reizen
Advertenties::   Text Links, Banners
Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Duitsland, Groot Brittanië, Frankrijk, Spanje, Amerika, Internationaal
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring

From website:

# Make Money - Earn 50% of the net commission made by HotelClub on each booking. Net commission means the total commission generated by HotelClub on each sale, less processing fees. Alternatively, you have the ability to specify a mark-up on the discounted rate we provide to you, so in effect - you control your own commission. *
# Customise your own templates - Easy to use interface to set up and edit white label templates to create/modify custom headers & footers.
# Multi-Language - You can offer our services to your users in 9 languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean and Japanese). Maximise traffic not only for your English-speaking clients, but for those in other parts of the world as well.
# Visitor tracking - We will not steal your users. If your visitor returns directly to HotelClub within 100 days of visiting our website through your link and makes a confirmed booking, you get the commission.
# Comprehensive reporting - Get real time statistics, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through your private partner management area. Check the details of all your transactions and commission reports.
# Direct links - Our system allows you to set up direct links to any page on our site. Link directly to any country/city/hotel and our Specials area. We also give you control to exclude any country, city or hotel from appearing in your database, so you will not have to compete with any existing providers.
# Build Your Brand - Complete customisation options available (Private Label/Co-branding). Customisation to your site's look & feel and technical support is available. Click here for Customisation info
# XML capabilities - Affiliates can utilise our hotel data using our XML facilities, which allows you to format the site to your requirements.
# Last minute affiliate program - RatesToGo.com, our partner site, has the world's only affiliate program for last minute accommodation. We offer complete customisation, direct page links and you can set your own commission. For more information, click here.


Categorie:   Winkels
Advertenties::   Text Links, Banners
Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Nederland
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring

Lending Affiliates  

Categorie:   Financieel
Advertenties::   Text Links, Banners
Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Groot Brittanië, Amerika
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring

Lets Play Casino  

Advertenties::   Text Links, Banners
Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Groot Brittanië, Amerika, Internationaal
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring

MegaSport Casino  

Advertenties::   Text Links, Banners
Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Groot Brittanië, Amerika, Internationaal
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring

My Affiliate Program.com  

Categorie:   Software / Internet
Advertenties::   Text Links, Banners
Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Groot Brittanië, Amerika, Internationaal
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring

Party Bingo  

Advertenties::   Text Links, Banners
Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Groot Brittanië, Amerika, Internationaal
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring

Poker Affiliate  

Vergoedingsmodellen:   Pay Per Sale
Actief in:   Groot Brittanië, Amerika, Internationaal
Ervaringen:   0 ervaring