
Naam::   Eurotax
Netwerk:   Zanox Nederland
Omschrijving:    OPIS PROGRAMU Celem programu jest promocja us?ug doradczych w zakresie odzyskiwania podatku dochodowego za prac? za granic?. Us?uga kierowana jest do osób, które pracowa?y legalnie w Wielkiej Brytanii, Irlandii, Holandii, Belgii, Niemczech, Austrii, Norwegii i USA. Firmie zaufa?o ju? ponad 75 000 osób. Doradcy firmy Euro-Tax, pomog? Ci odebra? podatek bez op?at wst?pnych. ?redni zwrot podatku to 3 000 z?otych - warto upomnie? si? o swoje pieni?dze! Sp. z o.o. jest najwi?ksz? polsk? firm? zajmuj?c? si? doradztwem w zakresie zwrotu podatku p?aconego przez osoby legalnie pracuj?ce za granic?. Naszym us?ugom zaufa?o ju? 75 000 klientów z ca?ej Polski, którym pomogli?my szybko i skutecznie odzyska? nadp?acone podatki. Wynagrodzenie w kampanii wynosi 50 PLN za sprzeda? (podpisana umowa).   PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS is the largest Polish company providing e-services related to tax rebates for working abroad. It has the highest success rate in obtaining tax repayments for working in the UK, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA. The commission in campaign conducted on the Polish market is 50 PLN for a sale(PPS). is a part of the S.A. Group. Each company in the Group provides financial services for Polish emigration. The services are fully professional, fast and efficient. In January 2010 the company debuted on NewConnet stock exchange. The goal of the programme is promoting advisory services related to income tax rebates for working abroad. Euro-Tax has already been trusted by over 50,000 people, whose rebates amounted in 120 mil. PLN in total. advisors will help you get your tax back without any prepayments. They provide excellent service for anyone working abroad who has not received their tax back before.
Vergoeding per click (CPC):   € 0
Vergoeding per lead: (CPL):   € 50
Vergoeding per sale vast (CPS):   € 0
Vergoeding per sale percentage (CPS):   0%
Vergoeding per 1000 views (CPM):   € 0
Zoekmachine marketing toegestaan (SEO):   Nee
Deeplinks:   Nee
Productfeeds:   Nee
Cookies:   onbekend


Vergoeding per sale vast (CPS):   € 30→ € 0
Vergoeding per lead: (CPL):   € 8→ € 50