ZoneAlarm US

Naam::   ZoneAlarm US
Netwerk:   Zanox Nederland
Omschrijving:   Join the ZoneAlarm Affiliate Program and quickly convert your site traffic into sales! Earn up to 30% of commission for every sale. Promote our award-winning ZoneAlarm products, including ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite, ZoneAlarm Pro, ZoneAlarm AntiVirus and ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware.
Receive ongoing commissions on repeat purchases. Take advantage of our on-site promotions to close the sale. Get the support you need to know how to promote our products.
Starting Commission Rate: 15% after generating $2,500 in sales -- 16% over $5,000 in sales -- 17% over $10,000 in sales -- 18% over $20,000 in sales -- 19% over $50,000 in sales -- 20%
With Internet security concerns at an all time high, there is no better time to help ZoneAlarm protect PC users everywhere. Customers want to buy products from a name they trust, especially when it comes to internet security.
Vergoeding per click (CPC):   € 0
Vergoeding per lead: (CPL):   € 0
Vergoeding per sale vast (CPS):   € 0
Vergoeding per sale percentage (CPS):   25%
Vergoeding per 1000 views (CPM):   € 0
Zoekmachine marketing toegestaan (SEO):   Nee
Deeplinks:   Nee
Productfeeds:   Nee
Cookies:   onbekend