SimpleSite NL

Naam::   SimpleSite NL
Netwerk:   Webgains
Omschrijving:   A website with SimpleSite is entirely free and does not expire. You can choose to upgrade your free subscription to a PRO version, which includes some extra features. This will cost 1£$€ for the first month. Payout will be paid when this happen. So - free trial customers: No payout When a free trial customer converts into a paying customer by paying 1£$€, then the payout will be in place. Please note that 98 % of our paying customers will convert within the first 10 min of creating the free trial. Are questions - ask me at SimpleSite is a 100% global company, advertising in 49 languages and across most countries in the world. 16.000.000 customers!
Vergoeding per click (CPC):   € 0
Vergoeding per lead: (CPL):   € 0
Vergoeding per sale vast (CPS):   € 49
Vergoeding per sale percentage (CPS):   0%
Vergoeding per 1000 views (CPM):   € 0
Zoekmachine marketing toegestaan (SEO):   Nee
Deeplinks:   Nee
Productfeeds:   Nee
Cookies:   onbekend